2019-00-00 Happiness

When we become tired and wants to rejuvenate ourselves, we quickly start to surf the internet or watching shows to give us quick pleasures. Like this nowadays we have options to give us quick happiness, most of them are fake. We might be making our brain happy but not our heart. This type of happiness is not that we really need but its what we want and most of us carve for.

What is quick and fake happiness?

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Weak Emotions

Because we now have a vast option of getting quick happiness we becoming more emotionally weak to handle failures and sadness. We become more short-tempered and depressed. Our demand increases more and more to gain take pleasure/happiness. And this leads to "The Rat Race" of our life, where we constantly run behind pleasures.

The Essential/minimal Happiness

Deep down most of us agree that maintaining inner peace is quite boring. But the truth is this inner peace to our body and mind is the real happiness we need. This inner peace comes when we have enough basic amenities, have good relations and achieve success through hard work. Being closer to nature and daily meditation gives us inner peace and happiness.

So TL;dr Wanna get happy? don't stare the bright screen instead go for a walk, or meditate, or just go for sound sleep (my personal favorite).

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